PILLAR 2: Patient Communication

PILLAR 2: Communication Patient

Improving Communication to Patients

Problem:  Patients do not know they should be vaccinated.


Medical records should be reviewed at every visit to assess need for vaccines.  During the rooming process, patient care staff should check the medical record and offer indicated vaccines.

  • During influenza season, all staff including the receptionist and the phone answering system, can mention or encourage influenza vaccine. Physician recommendation is central to vaccine acceptance especially among patients hesitant to be vaccinated (additional information below).

Discuss serious matters of vaccine-preventable diseases.

  • Physician recommendation makes a difference among patients hesitant to be vaccinated.
  • Post vaccination flyers and posters in exam and waiting rooms.
  • Remind parents and grandparents that they could transmit flu or whooping cough to their loved ones including infants.


Problem:  Patients need to know when convenient vaccination services are available in your office.

Solution:  Notify patients automatically, which can be accomplished using the following:

  • Office posters
  • Email
  • Text messaging
  • Social media
  • Auto dialer
  • Answering system messages
  • Patient portals